wow.. i have been so blog remiss...

So, here's a lovely photo of a fuchsia from my front yard. i took it with the super groovy hipstamatic setting on my Iphone. I have lots of other things to share but i am too lazy to find the cord to connect to the phone to download all the photos. So, I will just ramble a little bit about how my creative life is going. I have to say, it's going swimmingly. I finished the job I mentioned last time I was here...time really does fly, and in addition to being pleasant due to the fine folks i was working with, it gave me the mental permission to just take it easy for the rest of the summer. and, finally, eight months (more?) after leaving my job, things are really making sense to me. Every day I find my creative energy level rising. I have been knitting, thinking about knitting, reading about knitting.. and taking drawing classes, which is just....well, indescribably pleasurable. I LOVE THEM!!! And, the odd and fantastic thing is that the more things I do that I like the more energy I have for other things I like... Yesterday I went to the incredible nursery by my dad's house and bought so many vegetables for my garden. I'm going to plant them, and then go away for a while, and then come back and they will be bigger!!
I just find the garden so magical. Over the past few weeks I have harvested carrots, fava beans, snow peas, artichokes and celery!! It's just so thrilling..... This morning my best friend and I took a jewelry course at a local craft store in our home town. I made a really lovely seed pearl necklace and reminded myself that jewelry making is another thing i many artistic endeavors...not enough hours in the day.

Right now as I type this loud music is playing on my ipod and an incredibly loquacious frog is ribbitting outside my window. The only other stream of consciousness thing I have to say this evening is that I made custard for fresh blueberry and strawberry ice cream for a bbq tomorrow.
Ok, that's enough. Just wanted to check in and say hello!!!! Happy Memorial Day!


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